Muhammad Abdu, Mulaward Mulawardi Introduction: Most CKD patients in the early stages are difficult to diagnose, so patients were found in the advanced stage of…
Journal of Indonesian Society for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Julcrithno Irawan, Mulawardi Mulawardi Introduction: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus is continuously increasing worldwide and expected to reach more than 500 million people in 10…
Ahmed Sayed, Hussein Elwan, Mostafa Elshal, Ahmed Taha Introduction: The role of the angiosome theory in infrapopliteal disease is controversial. We aimed to study the…
Erwin Hadi Chandra, Nyityasmono Tri Nugroho, Tom Ch. Adriani, Mulawardi Introduction: The use of central venous catheter (CVC) plays an essential role in patient care.…
Patrianef Darwis, Jimmy Candra Putra, Dedy Pratama, Aria Kekalih Introduction: In 2012, the annual incidence rate of diabetic foot ulcers and gangrene are estimated to…
Dedy Pratama, Haidir Bima, Aria Kekalih, Raden Suhartono Introduction: One of degenerative disease is atherosclerosis. Peripheral artery disease (PAD) and carotid artery stenosis (CS) broadly…
Alexander Jayadi Utama, Partini Pudjiastuti Trihono, Raden Suhartono Introduction: The vascular access modality that is often used to perform regular hemodialysis (HD) measures in children…
Akhmadu Muradi, Danny Pratama, Aria Kekalih, Raden Suhartono Introduction: Beyond the primacy of arteriovenous fistulas (AVF) as hemodialysis access, AVF is not always free of…
Ida Bagus Budiarta, Akhmadu Muradi, Setyawati Budiningsih, Patrianef Darwis Introduction: Patients with chronic kidney failure whose life depends on routine hemodialysis, need good hemodialysis access.…
Dedy Pratama, Mulawardi Mulawardi, Patrianef Darwis Introduction: In patients with diabetic foot ulcers, atherosclerosis, and endothelial dysfunction can worsen the patient’s vascular condition. Atherosclerosis is…